Get Involved at The MILL
Anybody at Georgia Tech is welcome to join the MILL!
Staffer Registration
The staffer application can be found via the MILL Linktree if you are interested in joining the team.
Equipment Teams
Expectations for Equipment Team staffers include staffing the MILL’s Main Lab space for 3 hours a week during a school semester as well as attending weekly team meetings. Students can start the process of joining the MILL by either emailing or messaging the CTO for the respective equipment teams. After completing the required safety training, new staffers may subsequently come into the MILL for equipment training. From there, students will receive staffing hours and be committed to attending Equipment Team meetings.
Learning and Discovery (L&D) Teams
Students can also join the various Learning and Discovery (L&D) Teams sponsored by the MILL, where students embark on open-ended research topics. Email the corresponding L&D team leader for more information about team projects, and go to the MILL Linktree to find the L&D application if you are interested in joining!